Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tulip Still Life 24 x 20 oil on linen

On the chillier days of winter the painter turns to interior motivations. Here we have tulips from the gardenArt shop down the street holding still, with the brushes, all set against a large painting in the studio.

Winter Stream 28 x 22" oil on linen

Several days this past winter the days were warm enough to venture out with a good size canvas to play with my paints and create this painting. This is the spot where, several years ago, a family of sea otters visited me while I worked. The greys and colors of near-bud-break create a very inviting atmosphere.

Summer Colors 20 x 24" oil on linen Sold

Sometimes the painter goes far afield in search of subject matter but other times the motive is just across the street. My neighbor has cultivated a very thoughtful garden and the combination of colors is captivating. It also makes a nice subject for painting. I especially enjoyed the mysterious darks and subtlety within.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

View from Cokesbury 16 x 20" oil on linen Sold

Last year I painted this location and had numerous requests to purchase it. Over the winter I attempted to replicate the original but I really like being there while I paint. Recently the light and weather were in sync so I took my winters' labor to the sight and made another painting out of it. Of course the gravel in the background is not bluestone but yellow peastone, the boats from last year are different, and well, it's a new painting. If Mary from Princess Anne doesn't buy it, it will be up for grabs.

Sterret Gardens 16 x 20 oil on linen

The Sterrets, in Belle Haven, VA., are famous for their daylilies, having over 1200 varieties. They bloom over a period of maybe 6 weeks and visiting over several days to make this painting I could observe as some faded and others came into their full glory.